Friday, March 27, 2020

More lessons from COVID19

You have to be careful what you write not to add more to the mass of disinformation, so this is basically comment and observation on the political aspects of all this.
Our leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn has stated to the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, that much of the emergency action he is taking to mitigate the economy and protect workers is coming out of the last Labour Manifesto, the one which the voters rejected.

At times of crisis Socialism and strong Government intervention is the only way as it has been previously in wartime. The economy has to be directed towards the production of essential goods and the supply of essential foods. In wartime the Government would be paying a huge conscript army, now they are having to pay people to stay at home.

Elements of commerce, such as Richard Branson (Virgin), and Tim Martin (Wetherspoons) and Mike Ashley (Sports direct) don’t like it, but they and many others have been the robber barons of commerce, accumulating smaller companies, and behaving in a generally socially irresponsible manner to there workforce.  They won’t escape, the virus is for everybody, it is a very democratic virus.
What we have seen is Governments take strong and unprecedented action to close down non essential industries, restrict travel abroad and at home because of a very real and present emergency.

I hope that after this has passed, (and it will) they can learn from this, that they can act just as strongly against the biggest danger of all, climate change.

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