Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday but for who?

I have to say when I read Seth's blog last night I thought it was too late and Seth had gone no matter what.

I am glad he is still with us but it points out the fragility of it all. I have been feeling good over the past two days, never mind my worries about the possibility of motor neurone disease which will stay with me until I get my neuro appointment.

Well my position is that never mind how I feel, if my being here has made someone else happy, well then there has been a point to it.

Well background anxieties apart, life is improving for me. I am two thirds toward getting a PGCert and I did get my assignment in on time with all of it's seventy plus references assidously provided in Harvard format, (that has to be an academic record)

I feel more capable of addressing the future and the NAS has sold out of "whichever way" DVD's and re-ordered. (never mind having sold out in any other sense, cos I am still on their tail)

So the snail is on the thorn, God's in his heaven and Robert Browning had better be careful not to confuse a nuns habit with her anatomy :)

Therefore it is with great sadness that I learn that it is not the same way for Seth. I remember Seth from before I was even diagnosed and well before I met him, because I read about his troubles then on I have to say I have had my disagreements with Seth and he with me resulting in strong words being exchanged. All in all though I would rather he felt as I do in some of sort of resigned contentment with the world for all it does to you.

It might be me again next week who knows, but I want to celebrate the moment for me.

Above all I want to celebrate that this good Friday was bought for me by the suffering of our LORD on the cross. Whether you have any kind of faith or not, always consider when you are well that your good fortune may well be bought at someone else's cost.


Usethebrains Godgiveyou said...

"Whether you have any kind of faith or not, always consider when you are well that your good fortune may well be bought at someone else's cost."

Good analogy. I'm a cradle-to-grave catholic, and not sure where my faith is, but lately I've been considering the "fact" that if there was anyone who ever lived on this earth who truly loved others enough to die for them, that's a miracle in itself. The resurrection story is just icing on the cake. That's why it wouldn't bother me if they found Jesus's bones or not. Just the idea that he lived...

Anonymous said...

Whether you have any kind of faith or not, always consider when you are well that your good fortune may well be bought at someone else's cost."

Every new beginning means some over beginnings end