If you don't see me about on the web for the next couple of days or so that is because I am in Hospital for an operation. May not be posting much after that either depending on how my hand feels as it is a hand and arm operation.
So don't think I am ignoring the world or avoiding arguments, I am just indisposed.
(ps these are the stitches for the one I had done last year)
Good luck.
Get well soon, Larry.
Hope you feel up to typing soon, Larry! Take Care.
Hope to hear from you again soon Larry. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Best wishes, Larry.
Ouch. Good luck! I hope everything heals well.
That looks painful!
Good luck!
For all of those who don't know I am back, I am back. The hospital stay was not pleasant, not because of the nature of the op, or the pain afterwards, but because of the environment. Pain killers may have been enough to allow me to sleep, but a ward full of snoring men, and the air conditioning making a racket all night were sufficient to ensure I got no sleep at all.
Nonetheless I maintained some sense of humour. I told the anesthetist that the first thing I would do when I came round would be to quote a particular number exactly the same as I had done last year. The anesthetist asked if they number had any significance. Yes said I.
What is more I stuck to my promise and it was the first thing I said on coming round, not that I was happy to come round at all, as I was having pleasant dreams :)
Hope it goes well :-)
Hi Larry,
I couldn't bring myself to add this comment on your last post. I thought it might fit better here:
You've been served (tagged, that is). Eight Random Things: the meme that must die!!!
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